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Welcome to Argentine Tango!

Stylish and Elegant – there is nothing like Argentine Tango!



What is dance?

When you are learning to dance you are learning a new language. Dance has its own content, vocabulary, skills, and techniques. When you learn a dance style you learn about its own structure, shapes, and forms; how to use your energy to change

dynamics of movements, becoming aware of the timing and changes of direction on the space, you are learning about your own way of moving and being. 

The Elements of dance are Body, Action, Space, Time and Energy.

Dancing Benefits
If you wish to move your body and would like to enhance your energy level, come to dance with us! 
You will feel an instantaneous well-being, and a relaxed mind and body.


Why Argentine Tango

It is a dance which expands the ability to interconnect with others while dancing. Tango is a journey that begins with every new experience and requires a deep listening and understanding between the dancers. 


  • Dance releases endorphins, making you feel happier and boosting your moods. Adding to that, dancing to music bonds people together.

  • Dancing the Tango requires to be aware of your body; allows creative self-expression in an intimate connection with another being and it helps create an emotional high that isn't similarly produced in other athletic activities.

  • You will gain self-confidence and a feeling of mind relieves as the rhythmic movements can fill you up to a meditative state of mind. 

Argentine Tango Styles and Choreographies / Improvisation

There are many styles of Argentine Tango, 





Modern Tango Salon (also called New Tango)

Stage Tango or Fantasia

Social Tango (It is a mix of Milonguero style and Tango Salon, which works very well for crowded Milongas)

Why LDA Tango

At LDA Tango you will find space and time to dance from within. Tango is a feast for the senses, and for that reason in our classes, you will learn to connect and be sensitive, acquiring a greater corporal awareness of your and your partner's movements in the now.

Creating new traditions

We teach Argentine Tango that relates to its origins but it is also strictly connected with contemporary influences and contemporary studies of dance and movements. That means that you will explore this dance to discover your expression as a contemporary being.


Discover a new way to dance

We explore this dance in search of personal movements and real communication between the dancers as we think that some of the Tango movements and Tango codes are clichés and need a serious shake to refresh them!


Especially those moves that leave the followers in unfair positions or passive positions in relation to the leaders' moves or postures.


We dance Tango as contemporary beings. Our aim is to research and create more of what we like from the Argentine TANGO culture and to stop reproducing what we do not like from the old ways of dancing the Argentine Tango. Generating more possibilities for the new.


Functional Tango + creativity + emotionality

Our Programmes are for those interested in an intensive course where you can learn to dance Argentine Tango at your own pace; with a qualified teacher; in a supportive, creative and friendly environment, where you can develop and enrich your dance.


  • You will gain a deep insight into Tango structure and dynamics

  • You will learn new skills

  • You will learn how to dance the Tango in a deep connection with your partner     ( mutual and deep listening technique).

  • You will learn to dance/ improvise by being connected to the present moment instead of choreographically.


Laura has more than 24 years of experience in teaching and dancing both roles as leader and follower. She is a catalyst for understanding tango as a dialogue between the dancers, for being able to move comfortably and naturally as a dancing couple, for enjoying the rich, expressive music, for crisp and rhythmical footwork, and for sleek and sensual movements.

Her teaching is not just about learning steps, it's about learning how to move: how to dance from within and how to improvise. 


Please send us an email if you want to register and purchase your class or if you have any enquiry about our classes.


We hope to see you soon in our LDA Tango classes!

Would you like to try private lessons before going to group classes?

Private Lessons are available some weekdays in the evenings and on Saturdays in Raynes Park and in the Southwark area, in Central London.

For all prices and date options please send an email to

Laura is member of:
"It is the improvised nature of Tango that fascinates me"
                                                                    Erin Mannin

“A miracle”, my Sydney tango teacher cried after I’d been learning with Laura de Altube in London for 3 months. “She’s performed a miracle on you."  

                                                                          Sue, writer from Sydney, Australia. 2013

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